किस काल में पुरुषों की तुलना में स्त्रियों की स्थिति में गिरावट आई है?(In which period has the
position of women declined compared to men?) *
मध्यकाल (Medieval period)
0 पूर्वकाल(Anterior)
ऐतिहासिक काल (Historical period)
इनमें से कोई नहीं (None of these)
*** ***** napusaling *******
In the Middle Ages or Medieval Period.
Medieval Period (500 A.D -1500 A.D) was very disappointing for Indian women as their status continued to deteriorate during this period. ..
Medieval India is referred to as the "dark ages" for her, not the ages of women. When foreign conquerors like invaded India, they brought their own culture too. For them, a woman is the only property of her father, brother or her husband, and she has no will of her own. This idea also sneaked into the hearts of Indians, who began to treat their women as well. Another reason for the decline in women's status and freedom is that the original Indians wanted to protect them from barbaric Islamic invaders. Polygamy was the norm for these invaders, so they accepted the women they wanted at and maintained at the "Harem", to protect Indians