कक्षा- VI विषय-हिन्दी ( मौखिक परीक्षा ) दिनांक- 24/6/21 , 25/6/21 इस सप्ताह होने वाली अंतक्रिया कक्षा (interaction class) के लिए ‘वह चिड़िया जो ‘कविता सुनी जाएगी । *(वीडियो ऑन करवाया जा सकता है ) *इसके पाँच अंक दिए जाएँगे। नोट-अंक आंतरिक मूल्यांकन (internal assessment) में जोड़े जाएँगे।
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The Mesolithic Era
The Paleolithic was an age of purely hunting and gathering, but toward the Mesolithic period the development of agriculture contributed to the rise of permanent settlements. The later Neolithic period is distinguished by the domestication of plants and animals.
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Coniferous forest, vegetation composed primarily of cone-bearing needle-leaved or scale- leaved evergreen trees, found in areas with long winters and moderate to high annual precipitation.
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