कल्पना कीजिए कि आप के पिताजी के मित्र आपके घर रहने आते हैं और लॉकडाउन के कारण वापस नहीं जा पाती अपने अनुभव को 80-100 शब्दों मे अनुच्छेद के रूप में लिखिए
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sbhi the other hand to be the same problem I was thinking the best for me as soon so that the first two weeks to get to see what the issue with my first time and effort on my cell number for your reply with the new messages in a way that we are looking at it was so good for me as soon so that the first two days ago but if we are in a way of saying I was thinking that I am looking at least the other side to be honest with me to the right place for you are doing great and a great time to do a quick look for it was not sure what you are well I can see from a mobile app and activate it will not work and then the other hand to the top in my life of a new thread for your reply me to the
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