Kamal bought a car of Rs 4,00,000 and spent Rs 10,000 on repairing. He sold the car to Suresh at 10% Profit and suresh again sold it to deepak at 5% profit . At what price deepak bought the car
Question :
Kamal bought a car of Rs 4,00,000 and spent Rs 10,000 on repairing. He sold the car to Suresh at 10% Profit and suresh again sold it to deepak at 5% profit . At what price deepak bought the car
Formula used :
Selling = Profit / loss % × cp
Where cp is the cost price
" Cost price means the price at which the buyer had buyer the product "
Solution :
Kamal Bought car at 400000
Cp of car will be 4,00,000
But he spend 10,000 on repairing
So , Price of car will be 4,00,000+10,000
= 4,10,000
Kamal sold it at profit of 10 %
So, so for kamal will be
= 10% Of 4,10,000
= 10/100×4,10,000
= 41000
Kamal selling price = 41000
Cost price for suresh will be 41000
Here sp will be
= 5/100×41000
= 5 × 410
= 2050
Here sp will be 2050
So Deepak will buy it at Rs 2050
is the answer right it is it should