World Languages, asked by somnathdutta116, 10 months ago

ಉಪ್ಪಿಗಿಂತ ರುಚಿಯಿಲ್ಲ,ತಾಯಿಗಿಂತ ಬಂಧುವಿಲ್ಲ ( Kannada language)
can anyone send me a story related to this
and please the person who don't know this language don't respond unnecessary answer plzz only those know the answer send me the short story please.​


Answered by rushikeshraut2442



Once upon a time there was a father who had two daughters. Calling them to him one day he said to them, "What is the sweetest thing in the world?"

"Sugar," said the elder daughter.

"Salt," said the younger.

The father was angry at this last answer. But his daughter stuck to it, and so her father said to her, "I won't keep a daughter in my house who believes that salt is the sweetest thing in the world. You must leave me and seek another home."

So the younger daughter left her father's house and wandered here and there, suffering much hunger and cold, until t last she was befriended by the fairies. As she walked through a wood one day listening to the songs of the birds, a prince came hunting for deer, and when he saw her he fell in love with her at once. She agreed to marry him, and a great banquet was prepared at the prince's house. To this banquet the bride's father was bidden; but he did not know that the bride was his own daughter.

Now, at the wish of the bride, all the dishes were prepared without salt. So when the guests began to eat they found that the food was tasteless. At last one of them said, "There is no salt in the meat!"

And then all the guests said, "There is no salt in the meat!"

And the bride's father spoke the loudest of all. "Truly, salt is the sweetest thing in the world," he said, "though, for saying so, I sent my own daughter away from my house, and shall never see her face again."

Then the bride made herself known to her father, and fell on his neck and kissed him.

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