Kannan has 600 rupees. He gave 50% of this to Thomas
Thomas gave 33 1/3% of what he got to Hamza. How much
did Hamza get?
please explain and answer
Step-by-step explanation:
Class: 70 Subject : English Formative Assesspent : 1
Time Allowed: 2 Hours Max Marks Theory 15 Marks. Assignment 10 marks 15 Marks
Que I Comprehension Passage
One day. In a small town a magician was showing many tricks. Everyone laughed and
clapped loudly. He put his hand into his long hat and pulled out a white rabbit. All the
people went clap, clap, clapl After the magician's show was over he went to another
town. On his way he passed through a jungle,
Answer the questions given below.
Q] Who was showing tricks in a small town?
02 What animal ded the magician take out from the hat?
03 Wisat did the people do when they saw the rabbit?
9.4 After the show was over, where did the magician go?3555 the first one is in the next week and the other hand I have a good time in which I think I will have a good time in Ko