Science, asked by dhirajkgg512, 2 months ago

फेरस अमोनियम सल्फेट बनायें एवं जाँच के लिए प्रस्तुत
Prepare Ferrous ammonium sulphate and submit it​


Answered by ISHANPATIL123


50 mL के शंक्वाकार फ्लास्क में 5 mL आसुत जल लेकर इसमें अलग-अलग तोले गए 3.5g फेरस सल्फेट और 1.7g अमोनियम सल्फेट को गरम करते हुए घोलें। फ्लास्क में लगभग 0.5 mL तनु सल्फ्यूरिक अम्ल मिलाएं और विलयन को क्रिस्टलन बिंदु पहुँचने तक गरम करके सांद्रित करें। (ii) मिश्रण को कक्ष ताप तक धीरे-धीरे ठंडा होने दें।

Answered by tiwariakdi

A crystalline substance with a pale green tint that resembles sand, ferrous ammonium sulphate is also known as Mohr's salt. An equimolar mixture of hydrated ferrous sulphate and ammonium sulphate in water, along with a little amount of sulphuric acid, is used to prepare ferrous ammonium sulphate, which is a dangerous chemical.


Mohr's salt is made by combining ferrous sulphate, ammonium sulphate, and acid in order to produce ferrous ammonium sulphate.


Iron ammonium sulfate's chemical formula is FeSO_{4} .(NH_{4} )2SO_{4} .6H_{2} O.. It is made by dissolving an equimolar combination of ferrous and ammonium sulphates in water that has a small amount of sulfuric acid. Ferrous ammonium sulphate separates from the solution as a result of the solution becoming crystallised.

The chemical reaction is given below.

The formula for Mohr's salt is FeSO_{4} .(NH_{4} )2SO_{4} .6H_{2} O.

Sulfuric acid is used in this experiment to stop the salt from hydrolyzing. In contrast to ferrous sulphate, ferrous ammonium sulphate is a crystalline substance that is a light green colour. Compared to ferrous sulphate, it is less easily oxidised, making it a better volumetric reagent.

Mohr's salt, which contains more than one simple salt, is also referred to as double salt. In aqueous solutions, it undergoes full dissociation. Mohr's salt breaks down into ions Fe^{2+} +, NH_{4} +,  SO_{4} ^{2-}, each of which performs a different chemical test.

Octahedral crystals with bright green transparency make up Mohr's salt. It dissolves in water to produce an acidic solution that causes blue litmus paper to become red and produces effervescence with sodium bicarbonate releasing carbon dioxide.

By dissolving an equimolar mixture of hydrated ferrous sulphate and ammonium sulphate in water that contains a small amount of sulfuric acid, ferrous ammonium sulphate, commonly known as mohr's salt, is created. Crystallization is allowed to happen to the solution.

Materials Required

  • Conical flask
  • Tripod Stand
  • Burner
  • Funnel
  • Watch glass
  • Glass rod
  • Filter paper
  • Wire gauze
  • China dish
  • Ferrous sulfate
  • Ammonium sulfate
  • Dilute sulphuric acid


  • 3.5 g of ammonium sulphate and 7 g of ferrous sulphate should be weighed separately.
  • In a beaker of diluted sulfuric acid, mix ferrous and ammonium sulphates with water.
  • To obtain a clear solution, slowly warm the mixture.
  • As soon as the crystallisation point is reached, filter the solution to eliminate any suspended contaminants and concentrate the clear filtrate in a china dish over a sand bath.
  • During heating, stir the mixture occasionally.
  • To facilitate slow cooling, don't disturb the solution. In due course, the ferrous ammonium sulphate solution will separate into crystals.
  • Wash the crystals in cold water after removing them from the mother liquor by decanting.
  • Spreading the crystals out on a permeable plate or drying them in the folds of filter paper.


The yield of Mohr's salt, also known as ferrous ammonium sulphate, is ______ grammes.


  • To get crystals of high quality, allow slow cooling and don't disturb the solution while cooling.
  • The solution should be heated during the process, but only for a brief period of time. due to the fact that prolonged heating also produces ferric ions and ferrous ammonium sulphate.
  • Consider repeating the experiment if the solution is yellow rather than green.

Learn more about ferrous ammonium sulphate here


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