Hindi, asked by hc8568659, 6 months ago

कति ने champa कि किस विशेषता का उल्लेख किया​


Answered by asiraabbas7879


चंपा एक ग्रामीण बाला है। उसका स्वभाव नटखट, चंचल और शरारती है कभी-कभी वह शरारतवश खूब ऊधम मचाती है और कवि की कलम और कागज को चुराकर छिपा देती है।

Answered by prasadranju8


Map skill-based questionsa. Two places A & B have been marked on the given outline political map of the world.

Identify them & write their correct names IN THE ANSWERBOOKS.

A. An area of very low rainfall.

B. A type of forest

b. On the same political outline map of the world locate & label the followingC. An area of high rainfall in South America

D. Mediterranean forests in Australia

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