kavirajamarga is a book written in sanskrit?
No it is written in kannada language
Kavirajamarga (850 C.E.) is the earliest available writing on rhetoric, poetics and grammar in the Kannada language. It was written by the famous Rashtrakuta King "Nripatunga" Amoghavarsha I and some say that it is based partly on an earlier Sanskrit writing, Kavyadarsa. Some historians believe it may have been co-authored by a poet of the king's court, the Kannada language theorist, Sri Vijaya. The name means literally "Royal Path for Poets" and was used as a guide book for poets and scholars (Kavishiksha). From references made in this writing to earlier Kannada poetry and literature it is clear that a considerable body of work in prose and poetry must have existed in the preceding centuries. Kavirajamarga makes important references not only to earlier Kannada writers and poets but also to early literary styles in vogue in the various written dialects of Kannada language.