English, asked by umeforever3142, 5 months ago

Kavya thought them planting trees


Answered by hhhaaappppppyyy


Kavya taught them planting trees.

Answered by rajv63020vishalraj


Vegetation and green cover are crucial to our eco-system and critical natural resources, seeing as how they produce oxygen, which is essential for the existence and survival of nearly every species on this planet. So, by causing or playing a role in deforestation, we are not only endangering our lives, we are also putting the entire planet at risk.

We know how important trees are to our existence and for the well-being of the planet at large, which is why we have put together a number of slogans to promote afforestation and discourage deforestation and spread awareness among the people about the same.

Another thing, one must keep in mind is the fact that trees not only provide oxygen, which is a basic requirement for life, but also play an immensely significant role in maintaining a balance in the eco-system and keeping the environment clean and healthy. In fact, ecological disruptions or imbalances can lead to droughts, flooding and numerous other calamities and natural disasters that can cause immense harm and destruction to life and property alike, which is why it is imperative that we save trees and conserve them, so as to be able to maintain a balance in the ecosystem and ensure overall health and harmony. To make that happen, we must plant

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