Keoladeo National Park (KNP) in Bharatpur, Rajasthan is very famous for Siberian Cranes. Over the last decade, the number of Siberian Cranes visiting the park has reduced drastically. In 2004, the number was seven, compared to about 100 in the early years of 1970. In 2014, only five cranes arrived at KNP and were one month late. Research and find out the various reasons for the drastic reduction in the number of cranes visiting KNP over the last decade.
Siberian Crane: The Siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus) or Siberian white crane or snow crane, is a critically endangered species of crane.
They occur in three groups: the eastern group, which migrates from eastern Siberia to China, the central group, which migrates from western Siberia to India, and the western group, which migrate from western Russia to Iran. The height of an Adult Siberian crane is around 5 feet and weighted 6 kgs.5
Biodiversity at the Keoladeo National Park: The park is home to 366 bird species, 379 floral species, 50 species of fish, 13 species of snakes, 5 species of lizards, 7 amphibian species,7 turtle species, and a variety of other species. Thousands of migratory waterfowl visit the park for wintering, breeding etc every year.