Kerala is smaller than Karnataka
Degrees of comparison
No other states like Karnataka is as small as Kerala.
Kerala is smaller than Karnataka.
Kerala is the smallest state.
- In positive degree, we use: as ... as
- In comparative degree, we use the word "than".
- In superlative degree, we use the "the est" form of the verb.
No other states like Karnataka is as small as kerala.
Kerala is smaller than Karnataka.
Kerala is the smallest state.
Additional information:-
The given sentence [Kerala is smaller than Karnataka] is the first rule.
The first rule for superlative is [The+ Superlative Degree]
The first rule of Comparative is [Than....Anyother]
The first rule of positive is [No other As/]
Degrees of comparison:
Every adjective has three degrees.
Refers to a single person /Thing.
Ex:- Sita is a tall girl in the class.
Comparison between or compares two things/Persons.
Ex:- Sita is taller than geetha in the class.
Refers more than two persons /Things
Ex:- Sits is the tallest girls in the class.
When the comparison is between two there is no superlative degree.