Key difference between development communication and development support communication
Now a days be like this ways of Development communication is characterized by conceptual flexibility and diversity of communication techniques used to address the problem. Some approaches in the “tool kit” of the field include: information dissemination and education, behavior change, social marketing, social mobilization, media advocacy, communication for social change, and participatory development communication
Comes to Development support communication was The term can be described as development planning and implementation in which adequate action is taken of human behavioral factors in the design of development project and their objectivities. It addresses development planning and the plan of operation for implementation. It (DSC) stands for linking all agencies involved in the planned development works such as political executives, political planners, development administrators, subject specialists, field workers, opinion leaders, media representatives, researchers and the beneficiaries who continue the final delivery points and the consumers of the information. The route of communication envisaged is not only vertical as flowing from upper level to bottom or bottom.
The differences between advanced communication and developmental support are:
Communication development:
- Development communication refers to the use of communication to facilitate community development.
- Strategies for communication development include dissemination of information and education, behavior change, social marketing, community mobilization, media representation, communication for social change and public participation.
Development support communication:
- Developmental Support Communication is not just about providing information on development activities but also about creating an opportunity for people to become aware of new technology technologies and how they work and with what results.
- The power of communication support for development to achieve mass participation and argued that development support communication is a way to participate in the concept of communication development is an essential element in economic development.