khasgi opposite word
खाजगी is the opposite word for saarvajanik in marathi. kaypeeoh72z and 12 more users found this answer helpful. Thanks 6.
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खाजगी is the opposite word for saarvajanik in marathi
The opposite of Khasgi is Aam Janta.
Khasgi is a Hindi word that means exclusive or privileged, often used to refer to people who hold positions of power or wealth. Aam Janta, on the other hand, means the common people or the general public. It refers to individuals who do not hold positions of power or privilege and are not part of the elite or exclusive class.
The word "Khasgi" is derived from the Hindi word "Khaas" which means exclusive or special. Khasgi refers to a group of people who hold special or privileged positions in society, often due to their wealth, status, or political power.
The opposite of Khasgi is "Aam Janta", which is also a Hindi phrase. It refers to the common people or the general public who do not have any special or privileged status in society. Aam Janta includes individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their social or economic background.
Aam Janta is the opposite of Khasgi because it represents the majority of people who are not part of the elite or exclusive class. They do not have access to the same resources, opportunities, or privileges that the Khasgi group enjoys. Aam Janta represents the common masses and their interests, and their needs and concerns are often different from those of the Khasgi class.
In summary, the opposite of Khasgi is Aam Janta, which represents the common people or the general public who do not have any special or privileged status in society.
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