khushi deposited Rs 6,500 in a post office for a period of three years. The post office credits the interest yearly in her account at 7% per annum compounded annually. Find the balance in her account after three years.
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khushi deposit Rs = 6500
the interest of 3 year = 6500 ÷100 = 65
=65× 7 ×3 = 1365
deposit Rs + interest = current Balance
=6500 + 1365 = 7865
after 3 year in khushi's account 7865
the interest of 3 year = 6500 ÷100 = 65
=65× 7 ×3 = 1365
deposit Rs + interest = current Balance
=6500 + 1365 = 7865
after 3 year in khushi's account 7865
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