1. Indian nationalists. began protesting and criticising the
arbitrary use of authority by the
2. Who introduced the rule of law in India?
3. What are unpopular and controversial laws?
4.How were the laws made in ancient period?
5. Why were the new laws against domestic violence
6. Who has the power to modify laws?
7.Which groups took the lead of domestic violence bill?
8.Give one example to show that British law was arbitrary.
9. What does domestic violence refer to?
10. What has been enacted to control Indian population?
Citizens across India have turned out in recent weeks to protest a controversial piece of legislation known as the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). The CAA became law on Dec. 11, after the upper house of India’s Parliament passed the measure and the country’s president gave it his assent.
India’s government — headed by the Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) — holds that the CAA will make it easier for people from “persecuted minorities” in the country illegally to obtain Indian citizenship. It argues that the CAA is an important improvement to the Citizenship Act of 1955, which left people in the country illegally without any avenues to become citizens. Consequently, millions residing within India’s borders have long been vulnerable to detention and deportation.
India’s new law may leave millions of Muslims without citizenship
So why are people protesting? Here’s what you need to know:
1. Motivations to join the protests differ greatly
Mass protests — like those underway in India — often appear to be driven by a shared set of concerns. But a well-established literature in political science and sociology has shown that individuals come to participate in demonstrations for many different reasons. These motivations can be related to widely held grievances, but resources and opportunities to engage in protest also matter.