kindly give your suggestion for improving the online education. write 200 words
Suggestions for improving the online education.
As e-learning has become one of the most effective methods of learning, it is important to explore the best ways of using this method for valuable education. Clearly, there are reams of online study material produced. But there are some things to consider that can help make e-learning more engaging and effective:
Communication: The online medium connects learners with many people around the world. You can collect many ideas from this learning method. So stay connected with your online classroom and get as many updates as you can. If your teacher is providing lecture online, then you and your fellow learners can listen carefully and discuss the content with each other and the instructor. Engage with the teacher, other students, and the learning materials through the online medium. This will help you collect many notes on your topic.
Grouping: Online mediums and applications offer excellent opportunities to create various groups to foster connections and knowledge exchange between student and teacher and among learners. The resulting community will provide a healthy environment for learning.
Audio Visual Effects: The online medium allows for mixing of audio and visual. Learners can convert study material into AV slides and watch the file whenever they choose. The AV method is one of the most important pedagogies of the modern era. It expands the brain’s capacity without any stress. When a person’s eyes and ears are completely engaged, his or her concentration is improved automatically. AV makes the learning more interesting, as well.
Gamification: Bloomsburg University professor Karl Kapp explains that games can be used to encourage study and to reinforce training. Gamification of training can help learners gain and retain new skills. Many organizations and universities are following this pedagogy nowadays.
Mobile: Mobile devices are very effective for e-learning. People carry their mobile devices with them everywhere, so they can start a study session anywhere, anytime. Smartphones also have multiple options for communication.