Biology, asked by goelaviaansh, 2 months ago

Kindly let me know the meaning to these words. I want their biological meaning.

1. Electron
2. Microscope
3. Influenza
4. Protein
5. Replicate
6. RNA
7. Virus


Answered by p963096


Electron is a stable atomic particle that has a negative charge, the flow of electrons through a substance constitutes electricity. stable elementary particles having the smallest known negative charge, present in all elements; also called negatrons.

Answered by virudhaka1988



The influenza viruses are characterized by segmented, negative-strand RNA genomes requiring an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of viral origin for replication. The particular structure of the influenza virus genome and function of its viral proteins enable antigenic drift and antigenic shift. These processes result in viruses able to evade the long-term adaptive immune responses in many hosts.


The influenza A, B, and C viruses, representing three of the five genera of the family Orthomyxoviridae, are characterized by segmented, negative-strand RNA genomes. Sequencing has confirmed that these viruses share a common genetic ancestry; however, they have genetically diverged, such that reassortment – the exchange of viral RNA segments between viruses – has been reported to occur within each genus, or type, but not across types. Influenza A viruses are further characterized by the subtype of their surface glycoproteins, the hemagglutinin (HA) and the neuraminidase (NA). Influenza viruses have a standard nomenclature that includes virus type; species from which it was isolated (if non-human); location at which it was isolated; isolate number; isolate year; and, for influenza A viruses only, HA and NA subtype. Thus, A/Panama/2007/1999(H3N2) was isolate number 2007 of a human influenza A virus taken in the country of Panama in 1999, and it has an HA subtype 3 and an NA subtype 2. While many genetically distinct subtypes – 16 for HA and 9 for NA – have been found in circulating influenza A viruses, only three HA (H1, H2, and H3) and two NA (N1 and N2) subtypes have caused human epidemics, as defined by sustained, widespread, person-to-person transmission [1].

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