. King Sheru had ordered the distribution of apples
according to the following plan: for every 20 apples
the elephant gets, the zebra should get 13 apples
and the deer should get 8 apples. Now his servant
Shambha jackal is in a fix. Can you help him by
telling how much should he give to the elephant if
there were 820 apples in total?
Step-by-step explanation:
let us calculate for 1 shift elephant receives 20apples
zebra receives 13 apples
deer receives 8 apples
now total number of apples for 1 shift =20+13+8=41 apples
now out of 820 apples how many shifts he can carry with each should have 41 apples
=820/41=20 shifts
now total number of apples for elephant=20*20=400
now total number of apples for zebra=20*13=260
now total number of apples for deer =20*8=160
Given: for every 20 apples the elephant gets, the zebra should get 13 apples and the deer should get 8 apples.
Total apples
Calculate the number of apples given for 1 time elephant receives 20apples.
total number of apples for 1 shift
Find the number of times the apples will be given out.
Number of times
Understand that, for the apples to be distributed according to the plan Shambha jackal should give out the apples 20 times.
Find the total number of apples given to the elephant.
total number of apples for elephant
Hence, he should give 400 apples to the elephant.