kingdom and subkingdom of green alga
kingdom-- plantae
sub Kingdom -- .......
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Answer and Explanation:
Kingdoms are the most encompassing of the taxonomic groups, and scientists are actively debating which organisms belong in which kingdoms. Some scientists have suggested as many as 30 or more kingdoms, while others have argued that all eukaryotes should be combined into one large kingdom. Using cladistic analysis (a method for determining evolutionary relationships), the green algae should be grouped with the land plants, the chromophyte algae should be grouped with the aquatic fungi and certain protozoa, and the Euglenophyceae are most closely related to the trypanosome flagellates, including the protozoa that cause sleeping sickness. However, it is unclear where the red algae or cryptomonads belong, and the overall conclusion is that the algae are not all closely related, and they do not form a single evolutionary lineage devoid of other organisms.
The five classes of green algae given below are accepted by a large number of phycologists, but at least an equal number of phycologists would suggest one of many alternative classification schemes. The classes are distinguished by the structure of flagellate cells (e.g., scales, angle of flagellar insertion, microtubular roots, and striated roots), the nuclear division process (mitosis), the cytoplasmic division process (cytokinesis), and the cell covering.