Science, asked by aadilpathan382, 3 months ago

Kingdom , host , according, pond,collect, spread, observe, microscope,chloroplasts, thallophyta,fungi,spirogyra, usually, Lush,scrap, amphibians, multicellular , means please ​


Answered by SiddharthSing79


Kingdom - a country that is ruled by a king or queenराजा या रानी द्वारा शासित देश; राज्‍य.

Host -

person who invites guests to his/her house, etc. and provides them with food, drink, etc.

अतिथियों का सत्‍कार करने वाला व्यक्ति; आतिथेय, मेज़बान

According - to give something to somebody

किसी व्‍यक्ति को कुछ प्रदान करना (सम्‍मान, समर्थन आदि).

pond - an area of water that is smaller than a lake

तालाब (झील से छोटा जलक्षेत्र.

collect - to bring a number of things together

विभिन्‍न वस्‍तुओं को एकत्र करना, इकट्ठा करना.

spread - to affect a larger area or a bigger group of people; to make something do this

(किसी वस्‍तु का) बड़े भूक्षेत्र या लोगों की बड़ी संख्‍या में फैलना या (उसे) फैलाना.

observe - notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.

"she observed that all the chairs were already occupied".

microscope -

a piece of equipment that makes very small objects look big enough for you to be able to see them

सूक्ष्‍मदर्शी (एक यंत्र जिसमें बहुत वस्‍तुएँ इतनी बड़ी दिखाई देती है कि हम इन्‍हें सरलता से देख सकें).

chloroplast - the part of a green plant cell that contains chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place

हरे पौधों की कोशिका का क्‍लोरोफ़िल वाला भाग जहाँ प्रकाश-संश्‍लेषण होता है.

thallophyta - Thallophytes (Thallophyta or Thallobionta) are a polyphyletic group of non-motile organisms traditionally described as "thalloid plants", "relatively simple plants" or "lower plants". They form an abandoned division of kingdom Plantae that include fungi, lichens and algae and occasionally bryophytes, bacteria and slime moulds. Thallophytes have a hidden reproductive system and hence they are also incorporated into the similarly abandoned Cryptogamae (together with ferns), as opposed to Phanerogamae. Thallophytes are defined by having undifferentiated bodies (thalloid, pseudotissue), as opposed to cormophytes (Cormophyta) with roots and stems. Various groups of thallophytes are major contributors to marine ecosystems.

fungi -

a plant that is not green and does not have leaves or flowers (for example a mushroom), or that is like a wet powder and grows on old wood or food, walls, etc. Some fungi can be harmful

ऐसा पौधा जो न हरा होता है और न ही उसमें फूल और पत्ते होते हैं (जैसे कुकुरमुत्ता), या यह गीले चूर्ण जैसा होता है और पुरानी लकड़ी अथवा खाद्य पदार्थ, दीवार आदि पर उग आता है, कुछ फफूँद हानिकारक होते हैं; फफूँद, फूई, भुकड़ी

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