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Read the statement and name the bird. See Take My Help' box.
11. Amazing Facts about Birds
Birds are a group of endothermic vertebrates, characterized by feathers,
beaked jaws, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four-chambered.
1) This bird has the longest bill of any bird in the world. It is nearly 2 feet inlon fev
2) These birds cannot swivel their eyes. Instead they move their heads completely
6) This is the most dangerous bird in the world. With one kick it can kill its enemy.
This was the oldest bird known and lived about 150 million years ago. It was the
This is the only known poisonous bird in the world. It is found in Papua, New Guir
and a strong yet lightweight skeleton.
see straight behind them. They live on every continent except Antarctica.
3) This is the only bird with nostrils at the end of its beak.
4) This is the most talkative bird in the world. It could say over 800 words.
5) This bird has most feathers with up to 25,000.
7) This was the first bird domesticated by humans.
This bird's egg needs to be boiled for 2 hours to get a hard-boiled egg.
ison is
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According to the statements given above it is
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