koi ess ka answer bata doh plj <3

Q1. Who was Goebbels? How did Hitler and Goebbels meet their end?
ans :- Joseph Goebbels and his wife poisoned their six children and killed themselves on May 1, 1945. He had become chancellor of Germany after Adolf Hitler's suicide one day earlier, on April 30, as the Nazi state was collapsing.
Q2. What is election?
ans :- a formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a political office or other position
Q3. Who were considered as the desirables' under Nazi rule?
ans :- The white people with blue eyed and brown hairs or the Aryans are considered as desirables.
Q4. What does the term rigging mean?
ans :- the system of ropes or chains employed to support a ship's masts ( standing rigging ) and to control or set the yards and sails
Q5. Mention any three slogans given by different parties in various elections.
1. The Congress party led by Indira Gandhi = 'Garibi Hatao' (Remove Poverty) in the Lok Sabha elections of 1971
2. Janata Party = 'Save Democracy' was the slogan in the Lok Sabha election held in 1977
3. The Left Front = 'Land to the Tiller' in the West Bengal Assembly elections held in 1977.
Q6. The media glorified trench life’. What was the actual truth about trench life? Write any three points.
1. soldiers lived miserable lives in these trenches, trapped with rats feeding on corpses
2. They faced poisonous gas and enemy shelling
3. witnessed their ranks reduce rapidly
Q7. Explain what role woman had in Nazi society?
ans :- The ideal woman in Nazi Germany did not have a career outside her home. They were taught to be good mother and rear pure-blooded Aryans children. They had to maintain purity of race, look after home, teach their kids Nazi values and distance themselves from Jews.
Q8. What makes elections in India democratic?
ans :- A voter verifiable paper audit trail is intended as an independent verification system for voting machines designed to allow voters to verify that their vote was cast correctly.
Polling booths are separate only the voter can go inside and vote, election commissioner checks each and everything so that there is no cheating while voting.
All unfair practices are checked, no party can threat someone or bribe someone, no caste or religion etc.