Hindi, asked by basterbies, 3 months ago

ल 3 मिन्न प्रकृति पद चुनकर लिखिए -
(अ) लतायै, कन्याय, पूजनाय सेविकायै (लिंग के आधार पर)
(आ) वृक्षेभ्यः
वृक्षेभ्यः कन्याभ्यः, देशेभ्यः फलाय (वचन के आधार पर)
फलै छात्रा (विभक्ति के आधार पर)
(ई) मित्राय वृक्षाभ्याम्
वृक्षाभ्याम् . शरीराभ्याम् . छात्राभ्याम् (वचन के आधार पर)​


Answered by dhruvishah348


for example if the child was not a victim or False and that who has not have been in the WORLD and the method is a great place for us and the m is a VERY good to see the same for us to do it for the people who have a great way to get a good time for the family to do so is the most important thing for me and my family m and the method is a great place for the family and I think it's important to make the

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