लोग के विषय में पत्र लिखो
lynx, wolf, deer, wolverines, caribou, bats, small mammals, and birds.
Aerial view of a boreal forest. Image credits: Cephas
The world’s forests are incredibly diverse and act as a carbon sink! They should be protected for their beauty and functionality.
to variable weather
Sub-tropical: north and south of tropical forests, trees adapted to resist summer drought
Mindo cloud forest in Ecuador. Image credits: Ayacop
Temperate forests
Temperate forests occur in the next latitude ring, in North America, northeastern Asia, and Europe. There are four well-defined seasons in this zone including winter. In general, the temperature ranges from -30 to 30°C (-22 to 86 F) and the forests receive 75-150 cm (30-60 in) of precipitation per year. Deciduous — or leaf-shedding — trees make up a large proportion of the tree composition in addition to some coniferous trees such as pines and firs. The decaying fallen leaves and moderate temperatures combine to create fertile soil. On average, there are 3-4 tree species per square km. Common tree species are oak, beech, maple, elm, birch, willow, and hickory trees. Common animals that live in the forest are squirrels, rabbits, birds, deer, wolves, foxes, and bears. They are adapted to both cold winters and warm summer weather.
Subcategories within temperate forests
Moist conifer and evergreen broad-leaved: mild wet winters and dry summers
Dry conifer: at higher elevations, little rainfall
Mediterranean: located south of temperate regions around coast, almost all trees evergreen
Temperate broad-leaved rainforest: mild, frost-free winters, lots of rain throughout the whole year, evergreen
Boreal forests
Boreal forests, also called taiga, are found between 50 and 60 degree of latitude in the sub-Arctic zone. This area contains Siberia, Scandinavia, Alaska, and Canada. Trees are coniferous and evergreen.
Global boreal forests. Image credits: Terpsichores
There are two seasons here: a short, moist, mildly-warm summer and a long cold dry winter. Temperatures range from -40 to 20°C (-40 to 68° Fahrenheit). Precipitation is usually delivered as snow because it is so cold, 40-100 cm (15-40 inches) each year. The ground is comprised of a very thin layer of nutrient-poor, acidic soil. The canopy lets very little light through so there is usually little growing in the understory. Evergreen conifers with needle leaves that can stand the cold, like pine, fir, and spruce trees, live here. Animals that live in these forests can withstand long periods of cold temperatures and usually have thick fur or other insulation — among them are moose, bears, lynx, wolf, deer, wolverines, caribou, bats, small mammals, and birds.
Aerial view of a boreal forest. Image credits: Cephas
The world’s forests are incredibly diverse and act as a carbon sink! They should be protected for their beauty and functionality.
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