French, asked by coolgirl468, 8 months ago

l'ile des esclave et le jeu de l'amour et du hasard c'est sur c'est text la que les questions sont distribuer

présentation très brève de Marivaux + titre et année de parution des 2 pièces et résumé très bref de leurs intrigues + reprise de la question)

2 paragraphes, l’un pour les ressemblances et l’autre pour les différences, chaque paragraphe commencera par un connecteur logique, chaque nouvelle idée sera marquée par un retour à la ligne

connecteur logique, bilan de votre développement en 2 ou 3 lignes).


Answered by mishrasarthak163



the slave island and the game of love and chance it is on this text that the questions are distributed

very brief presentation of Marivaux + title and year of publication of the 2 plays and very brief summary of their plots + repetition of the question)

2 paragraphs, one for the similarities and the other for the differences, each paragraph starting with a logical connector, each new idea will be marked with a line break

Answered by AdorableMe

Pierre Marivaux, en entier Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux, (né le 4 février 1688, Paris, France - décédé le 12 février 1763, Paris), dramaturge, romancier et journaliste français dont les comédies devinrent, après celles de Molière, les plus fréquemment joué dans le théâtre français.

Twelfth Night est une comédie romantique, et l'amour romantique est l'objectif principal de la pièce. Malgré le fait que la pièce offre une fin heureuse, dans laquelle les différents amoureux se retrouvent et atteignent le bonheur conjugal, Shakespeare montre que l'amour peut causer de la douleur.

King Duncan’s generals, Macbeth and Banquo, encounter three strange women on a bleak Scottish moorland on their way home from quelling a rebellion. The women prophesy that Macbeth will be given the title of Thane of Cawdor and then become King of Scotland, while Banquo’s heirs shall be kings. The generals want to hear more but the weird sisters disappear. Duncan creates Macbeth Thane of Cawdor in thanks for his success in the recent battles and then proposes to make a brief visit to Macbeth’s castle.

Macbeth is elected King of Scotland but is plagued by feelings of guilt and insecurity. He arranges for Banquo and his son, Fleance to be killed, but the boy escapes the murderers. At a celebratory banquet, Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo and disconcerts the courtiers with his strange manner. Lady Macbeth tries to calm him but is rejected.

Macbeth seeks out the witches and learns from them that he will be safe until Birnam Wood comes to his castle, Dunsinane. They tell him that he need fear no-one born of woman, but also that the Scottish succession will come from Banquo’s son. Macbeth embarks on a reign of terror and many, including Macduff’s family, are murdered, while Macduff himself has gone to join Malcolm at the court of the English king, Edward. Malcolm and Macduff decide to lead an army against Macbeth.

Macbeth feels safe in his remote castle at Dunsinane until he is told that Birnam Wood is moving towards him. The situation is that Malcolm’s army is carrying branches from the forest as camouflage for their assault on the castle. Meanwhile, Lady Macbeth, paralysed with guilt, walks in her sleep and gives away her secrets to a listening doctor. She kills herself as the final battle commences.

Macduff challenges Macbeth who, on learning his adversary is the child of a Caesarian birth, realises he is doomed. Macduff triumphs and brings the head of the traitor to Malcolm who declares peace and is crowned king.

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