लाला गुरु प्रसाद स्टेशन की सीढ़ियां चढ़ते हुए काफी हांफ रहे थे। 70 साल की उम्र में जवानी का जोश आखिर कहां से आए! बहू-बेटे से गुस्सा होकर घर से निकले थे। आज उन्होंने खाना भी नहीं खाया था। अपने जीवन की सारी पूंजी बेटे को दे दी, यह सोच कर कि एक दिन बेटा ही उनके बुढ़ापे की लाठी बनेगा। शुरुआत में तो सुबोध उनका काफी ख्याल रखता था, पर जब से उसकी शादी हुई, वह कुछ बदल-सा गया था। परिवार की जिम्मेदारियों के बीच वह बूढ़े बाप का पहले जैसा ध्यान नहीं रख पाता था। आए दिन किसी न किसी बात को लेकर बाप-बेटे में बहस हो ही जाती थी।
पर आज तो हद ही हो गई! लालाजी ने जब सुबोध से अपने कुछ खर्चे के लिए पैसे मांगे, तो सुबोध बोला- “पिताजी आपका क्या है? आप तो घर में पड़े रहते हैं। जानते हैं कितनी महंगाई है? मेरी तनख्वाह भी इतनी नहीं कि मैं आपके ऊपर जरूरत से ज्यादा पैसे खर्च कर सकूं। और मुझे अपने भविष्य के बारे में भी सोचना है। अगर आपको गवारा लगे तो आप हमारे साथ रह सकते हैं, अन्यथा जहां जाना चाहें, जा सकते हैं। आपकी मर्जी।”
बेटे के मुंह से यह बात सुनकर लालाजी स्तब्ध रह गए। क्या इसी दिन के लिए अपनी सारी जमा पूंजी बेटे की नौकरी के लिए दी थी? अपमानित होकर जीने से तो अच्छा है कि कहीं बाहर जाकर रहें। कम से कम बेटे की सुननी तो नहीं पड़ेगी। यही सोचकर लालाजी बिना खाए-पिए घर से निकलकर प्लेटफार्म पर आ चुके थे। गुस्से में वो घर से निकल तो पड़े थे मगर कहां जाएं, ये अभी तक तय नहीं कर पाए थे।
ठंड ज्यादा थी। लालाजी के हाथ-पैर कांप रहे थे, तभी पीछे से खर-खर की आवाज आई। एक भिखारी प्लास्टिक ओढ़ कर खुद को ठंड से बचाने की कोशिश में लगा हुआ था। लालाजी उसे गौर से देखने लगे, तभी उधर से गुजर रहे कुली ने लालाजी से कहा, “क्या देख रहे हो बाबूजी? ये पिछले कई सालों से यहां पड़ा है। उम्र के इस पड़ाव पर अगर परिवार साथ है, तो ठीक। वरना ऐसे ही दर-दर ठोकरें खानी पड़ती हैं।”
लालाजी के कानों में कुली की आवाज गूंजने लगी। आखिरकार लालाजी जिन सीढ़ियों से स्टेशन आए थे, उन्हीं से धीरे-धीरे वापस लौटने लगे। शायद उन्होंने समय और हालात से समझौता कर लिया था!write this story in english please help me guys
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lala Guru prasad was tired of walking up the stairs. At the age of 70 where to get the strength of a bachelor. He had a fight with his son and daughter in law and he left the home.
Today he had not eaten his food too. He had given all his money to his son, because he thought one day he will only help him in his old days. In starting Subodh take care of his father very well but once he get married and he changed. Subodh in the responsibility of family he was unable to take care of his father. And after two three they had fight for some matter or the other. but today they crossed the limits
when Lalaji asked his son for some money he said, " why do you need money you are at home all the time. do you know about the increasing prices of goods.? and my salary is not so much that I can spend money on you. Also I had to think about my future generation and now if you are ok then stay with us otherwise you can go wherever you want it's your wish."
Lalaji was shocked after listening such words for the mouth of his own son. "For this day only he had given all his many to his son?" Lalaji thought why to live insulted it's better to live at any other place. After all he would not have to hear harsh words from his son. After thinking all this he left his house and came and sit on the platform. He had left his home in anger but he had not decided till now where to go. it was too cold. Lalaji began shivering and then he heard some noise from behind. He turned around and saw a beggar covering himself with plastic so that he could save himself from cold weather. Lalaji was looking closely to the beggar then a coolie asked him," What are you babuji looking at? This beggar sleep like this here from many years. At this age if family is with you then ok but if not then you have tot suffer a lot."
the words of coolie were echoing in the ears of Lalaji.Then Lalaji return from the stairs he had came. maybe he had compromised with time and circumstances.
Today he had not eaten his food too. He had given all his money to his son, because he thought one day he will only help him in his old days. In starting Subodh take care of his father very well but once he get married and he changed. Subodh in the responsibility of family he was unable to take care of his father. And after two three they had fight for some matter or the other. but today they crossed the limits
when Lalaji asked his son for some money he said, " why do you need money you are at home all the time. do you know about the increasing prices of goods.? and my salary is not so much that I can spend money on you. Also I had to think about my future generation and now if you are ok then stay with us otherwise you can go wherever you want it's your wish."
Lalaji was shocked after listening such words for the mouth of his own son. "For this day only he had given all his many to his son?" Lalaji thought why to live insulted it's better to live at any other place. After all he would not have to hear harsh words from his son. After thinking all this he left his house and came and sit on the platform. He had left his home in anger but he had not decided till now where to go. it was too cold. Lalaji began shivering and then he heard some noise from behind. He turned around and saw a beggar covering himself with plastic so that he could save himself from cold weather. Lalaji was looking closely to the beggar then a coolie asked him," What are you babuji looking at? This beggar sleep like this here from many years. At this age if family is with you then ok but if not then you have tot suffer a lot."
the words of coolie were echoing in the ears of Lalaji.Then Lalaji return from the stairs he had came. maybe he had compromised with time and circumstances.
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