English, asked by gurubachan774, 5 months ago

L Read the patage given below carefully and answer the qaestions that follow @ Civilization hat not succeeded so far in creating an environment suitable to mental ana meral activities of mankind. The low intellectual and spiritual value of mon human beings is due largely to deficiencies of their prvliologcal atmesphera. The supremac of matter and the dogmas of industrial reluion have destroyed culture, beauty and morals, The immense spresd of newspaper, chcap literatiire, radios and cinemas has contrihured only to the degeneration of culture Unintelligence is becoming more atnd more general, in spite of the course given in schools, colleges and universitie. School childien and studens form their minds on the silly programmes of public entertainments Social environment insteal of favouring the growth of intelligence, opposes it with al its might. Cii) Moral sense is almost complerely ingnored by modrrn soclery. We have, in fact, suppressed its rmanifestation. All are imbued with irresponsibility. Those who discern good and evil, who are industrious and provident, remain poor and are looked upon as morose. The woman who has several children, who devotes herseif to their oducation instead of her own carcer, is considered weak-minded. If a man saves a litele money for his wile and the education of his children, this money is stolen from him by enterprising financers or taken by the Government and distuibuted to rhose who have been reduced to want by their own improvidence and the short-sightedness of manufacturers, bankers and cconomists. Artists and men of science supply the cummunity with eujoy prosperity and peace. Gangsters are produced by politicians and respected by They beauty, health and wealth. They live and die in peverty. Robbers judges, games. A rich man has every right. He may discard his aging wife, abandon his old muther to penury, roh those who have entrusted their money o him, without losing the consideration of his friends. Sexual morals have been cast aside. Psy supervise men and women in their conjugal relations. There is no difference between wrong and right, just and unjust No one makes any objection to their presence. Ministers have rationalised religion. They have destroyed its mystical basis. But they do not succred in attracting modern men. In their half-empty churches, they vainly preach a weak orality. They are content with the part of policemen, helping the interest of the wealthy to preserve the framework uf present society. Or, like politicians, they flatter the appetites of the crowd. are the heroes whom children admite at the cinema and imitate in their choanalysts (iii) men are powerless against such psychological atacks. They necessarily yield to the influence of their group. If one lives in the company of fuols or criminais, isolation is the only hope of salvation. Bur where will the inhabitants of the new city find solitude ? Said Marcus Aurelius, 'No retreat is more peaceful or less troubled than that encountered by man in his won soul.' But we are not capable of such an effort. We cannot fight out social surounding victoriously.​


Answered by mukeshsharma05315


please mark as brainlist and thanks for me

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