lable the parts of plant cell
1 ) cell wall
2) cell membrane
3) Cytoplasm
4) Nucleus or chloroplast (maybe, i am not sure)
5) -
6) Vacuole
1 = cell wall, 2= plasma membrane, 3= cytoplasm
4= nucleus, 5= mitochondria, 6= vacuole, 7= plastids
it is a plant cell because:-
(a) it has a cell wall
(b) it has chloroplast
(c) it has a large single vacuole
which are present only in plant cell
function of 1( cell wall)
cell wall is permeable and protects the plant cells from internal injury
function of 4 ( nucleus)
it regulates the metabolism of cell like a controler
functions of 5( mitochondria)
it oxidises the food and gives energy in the form of ATP(= adenosine tri phosphate ) to the cell
function of 7( plastids)
it contains the green pigment , chlorophyll containing organelle called chloroplast which is necessary for photosynthesis along with it chromoplasts which is responsible for colouring of fruits and vegetables and leucoplasts which are white / transparent plastids which can change itself into above mentioned any type of plastid and is found in abundance in roots of plants .