Biology, asked by preeti644, 10 months ago

Laccase enzyme and its role in degradation of pesticide " a mini review


Answered by ARPzh
Laccase activity were found after GLC analysis of culture liquid of mycelium extract Pleurotus djamor (MDU1) grown on malt extract medium with or without inducers. These laccase enzyme (paradiphenol: oxygen oxidoreductase) catalysis the oxidation and polymerization of aromatic compounds in the presence of molecular oxygen. Laccase activity in the malt extract medium had on pH 3 -4 and was stable from pH 3- 10 during 24 hours at room temperature. This enzyme had wide substrates specificity on hydroquinone, methoxy-substituted monophenols and aromatic amines. The laccase activity was found only with compounds having a redox potential lower than 0.5 mV. The highest activity was obtained with methoxy, methyl-substituted p-hydroquinone and aromatic diarnines. Some activity also occurred with the aliphatic compounds 3, 5 - cyclohexadiene-1, 2 -diol.
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