Lack of vitamin K causes
MoRnO dude ❤️
The most common causes of vitamin K deficiency are insufficient dietary intake, inadequate absorption, and decreased storage of the vitamin due to liver disease, but it may also be caused by decreased production in the intestines.
Here is your answer -
Although vitamin K deficiency is uncommon in adults, certain people are at increased risk if they:
- take coumarin anticoagulants such as warfarin, which thins the blood
- are taking antibiotics
- have a condition that causes the body to not absorb fat properly (fat malabsorption)
- have a diet that is extremely lacking in vitamin K
Coumarin anticoagulants interfere with the production of the proteins involved in blood clotting.
Some antibiotics cause the body to produce less of its own vitamin K. Other antibiotics may cause vitamin K to become less effective in the body.
Fat malabsorption leading to vitamin K deficiency may occur in people with:
- celiac disease
- cystic fibrosis
- a disorder in the intestines or biliary tract (liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts)
- part of their intestine removed
Newborn infants are at increased risk for vitamin K deficiency for a variety of reasons:
- breast milk is very low in vitamin K
- vitamin K does not transfer well from a mother’s placenta to her baby
- the liver of a newborn infant doesn’t use the vitamin efficiently
- newborns don’t produce vitamin K2 on their own in the first few days of life