Ladkiyon ko padhne Ki Azadi na hone par kya Hani Hogi
Answer -
we all know that equality plays an important role now a days but , instead of this many girls in some few regions are not allowed to study ,the result which came is very bad .
(1) boys feel as they are superior and girls as inferior only because of lack of education.
(2) it can be a result of discrimination in the society.
(3) by this our countries economy also not increase.
(4) some regions may remain undeveloped.
these can be the possible results which can come.
the meanings are very vast to understand.
we can take an example:- a house needs minimum two or four or many more pillars to stand ,
like that only for countrie's development have two important pillars ,both girls and boys as all have different ideas and different experiences..
hope you will understand.