English, asked by mohanrg, 2 months ago

lagistrate diction the Metropolitan Magistrate and Q.2. Create suitable tree diagrams for the following paragraphs: The modern world aims to maintain a balance between the male and female section of the society. The so called, male dominating society is now accepting that women are equal and at par. In fact, the chores done by the females on a daily basis are more than that done by males. A lady manages the house and also works outside the house for well as travel all over the world. Men have started giving improved status to women payment salary. Besides this, there are women who are keen to pursue their hobby as and are treating them with dignity.​


Answered by Xxitzking01xX

निर्देश- अधोलिखितान् अनुच्छेदान्। पठित्वा अनुच्छेदाधारितानां प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि स्व-उत्तरपुस्तिकायां लिखत

(1) संस्कृतसाहित्ये महाकवेः बाणभट्टस्य स्थानं सर्वोपरि अस्ति। अयं स्वकीयायाः सर्वप्रथमायाः गद्यकृतेः ‘हर्षचरितस्य’ प्रारम्भिके उच्छ्वासत्रये स्वकीय परिचयं दत्तवान्। अस्य जन्म वत्स गोत्रे अभवत्। कविः बाणभट्टः सारस्वतः ब्राह्मणः आसीत्। अस्य एकः पूर्वजः ‘कुबेरः’ इति नामा आसीत्, यः संस्कृतभाषायाः प्रकाण्डविद्वान् आसीत्। कुबेरस्य पौत्रः अर्थपतिः, बाणस्य पितामहः आसीत्।

Answered by avantika9c














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