+ Lalli
P: Our stomach is like a bag with specific volume.
Q: The size of stomach increases based on food we intake.
D P is true, Q is false
P is false, Q is true
D) Above 14
The pH of saliva is :
A) beyond 7
B) below 7
C) exactly 7
The nature of chyme that enters the small intestine is :
A) acidic
B) basic (alkaline) C) neutral
D) none of the above
Which is the correct one of the following ?
A) Surface muscles of jaw help in biting and chewing actions.
B) HCl is strong enough to digest the bone as well.
C) The hormone ghrelin is secreted by pancreas.
D) Both A and B
Read the following and find out the false one.
A) Peristalsis is involuntary and under the control of autonomous nervous system.
B) The absorption of nutrients by villi is a very selective process.
C) The walls of intestine allow only tiny nutrient particles to pass through.
D) None of the above
Find out the false statement from the following:
A) Digestive juices are produced depending on the quantity of food material
B) Mucus lubricates and protects the oesophageal walls from damage
C) Sometimes mouth starts watering just by hearing the name like tamarind/lime/mango, etc.
D) None of the above
The reason(s) for the formation of ulcers in stomach(is) are:
A) indigestion B) stress and strain C) bacteria
D) all of the above
Swallowing of food is under control of:
A) Cerebrum
B) Diencephalon C) Mid brain
D) Medulla oblongata
Read the following and find out the false one.
A) 5 cranial nerve controls the movement of muscles in jaw.
B) 8th cranial nerve plays an important role in sensation of taste.
C) Food canal is also known as gastrointestinal tract.
D) None of the above
Answered by
the ans is both P and Q are true
Answered by
1. P - True
Q - False
2. 6.8 - 7
3. Acidic
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. D
Hope this helps you
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