Hindi, asked by mukeshkv057, 9 months ago

land land land land land


Answered by pranavsat7

Answer: Land where?

Explanation:  the solid part of the surface of the earth. 2 : an area of ground or soil of a particular kind fertile land. 3 : a part of the earth's surface marked off by boundaries They bought some land. 4 : a country or nation your native land.

Answered by TheDreamyAurina





Land ts one of the most important natural resources, The Earth’s total land cover is about 30 per cent of the area of Earth’s surface The parts of land which are suitable for Iiving are known as habrtable The parts d which are not suitable for living are known as inhabitable.

Areas which include rugged topography, steep slopes of the mountains, low-lying areas susceptible to water logging, desert areas, thick forested areas etc are normally sparsely populated or uninhabited. Plains and rer valleys provide suitable land and climatic conditions for agnculture and therefore these are the densely populated areas of the world.




Land is used in many ways and for various purposes which is commonly termed as land use Land can be used for agriculture, forestry, mining, building houses, roads and setting-up of industnes The use of

land is determined by physical as well as human factors. The physical factors include topography, soil, climate, minerals and availability of water. Population and technology are human factors which are also

important determinants of land use pattern. On the basis of ownership, land can be classified as: (1) Private land It is owned by individuals or group of individuals like a house is private land. (1) Community land It is owned by the society or community for common uses hke collection of fodde fruits, nuts or medicinal herbs. Community lands are also called common property resources.

The ever growing demand of people for land to build up commercial areas, housing complexes in urban areas and expand the agricultural land in the rural areas, reflect the changes in land use as well as m our society. These changes are responsible for the major threats like land degradation, landslides soul erosion, desertification.





The thin layer of grainy substance covering the surface of the Earth is called soil. It is closely linked to land. Landforms determine the type of soil. Soil is made-up

of different things like organic matter, minerals and weathered rocks, which are found on the Earth surface.

The long process of weathering! is responsible for the formation of soil. The right mix of minerals and organic matter make the soil fertile.

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