land under net sown area decrease'what will be consequences of it in future
Land under net sown area is decreasing day by day.
There are number of consequences of this situation.
As the population is increasing the demand for industrial crops is also increasing.
This has created reduction for the growth of cereals.
If the food production is less it will be a difficult issue for he future of the world.
Also, for better and quick results there is a large increase in usage of pesticides and fertilizers.
There is inappropriate water management which has led the soil to become saline.
These chemicals are responsible for degrading the rich quality of the soil.
There is very less water available for the soil.
These are the consequences of decreasing net sown area.
Land under net sown area decreases what will be consequences of it in future
- The survey of India is responsible for the measurement of the land use categories and that is somewhat different from the reporting areas and the as the mainland use categories include the forest, land put to non-agricultural uses and the barren and wasteland and the area under the permanent pasture.
- The area under the miscellaneous trees and cultivable wasteland and current fallow, follow other than current fallow. While that of the net sown area that is a physical extension to the land on which the crops are sown and harvested is declining due to the changes in the size of the economy and the population.
- And the degradation of the cultivable lands and dependence on the erratic monsoon and the extensive lack of modern agricultural system. Other factors being the lack of the land reforms including the small and fragmented holdings.
Know more about the land under the net sown area in the future.
- answered by Thespecialone
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