Landlessness acts as both cause and consequence of poverty.’Analyse the statement.
This research has accomplished a critical appraisal on landlessness and economicdevelopment of Bangladesh through conducting a primary survey and traced out what are the bestalternative recommendations to ameliorate land ownership pattern of the economy. Basicallylandlessness often materializes the manifestation of poverty, indebtedness and powerlessness of themajority of the rural households. The causes of landlessness and near-landlessness are numerousincluding dearth of land, rapid population growth, low productivity in agriculture, lack of effectivegovernment policies, colonial legacies etc. Due to these circumstances, land-oriented poverty and ruralto urban migration without any expansion in the housing and utility services lead to the expansion ofslump with all affiliated social problems. On the other hand, it has been found that landlessnessdiminishes the rate of land-fragmentation, which facilitates automation in production process throughboth extensive and intensive directions. Therefore, this research has uncovered that landlessness has asignificant level of positive impacts on economic development through facilitating modern technologyin primary sector. For social welfare, the policymakers can rehabilitate the landless people throughcreating income generating activities. In this regard, setting up agro-based industries as well aspromoting employment in non-agricultural sector is a must for achieving potential economic growth.However, this research also identified that landlessness causes to boom up the service sector. It hasbeen happened due to the radical emergence of non-government organizations that generated income-orientedactivities in the rural areas through social movement.