lanswer the following questions: 4x2= 8
1. How are waste products excreted in amoeba?
2. We people have very less awareness about organ donation, to motivate people write slogans
about organs donation.
3. What is synapse? How it is useful in transfer of information?
4. What is Geotropism?
11 Answer any two of the following questions: 2x4=8
5. What is excretion? Explain the process of formation of wine.
6. Draw the neatly labeled diagram of brain and write few points how it is protected
7. Explain about uses of different kinds of alkaloids.
lil Choose the correct answers: 4x1=4
1. Malpigian tubes are the excretory organs in (
hlou fly
cl Flatworm
d) Hon
special excretory organs are absent in unicellular organism like amoeba . amoeba possesses osmoregulatory organelles called contractile vacuole .
( 1 ) Many unicellular organisms such as Amoeba excrete their waste products by diffusion from their body surface as they are small in size. Multicellular organisms such as Hydra carry out water excretion by creating a break in its body wall which is a result of strong contraction when its gut is distended with fluid.
( 2 ) A. 1) Organ donation saves lives.
2) Give a life, gift of life.
3) Donate organs today for better tomorrow. .
. 4) The measure of a life, after all is not its duration but its donation.
5) Change your thoughts and you change your world.
6) Organ donation is icky (disagreeable) but recycle yourself is sticky.
7) Support organ donation across our great nation. .
8) Give my eyes to a man who has never seen a sun rise.
9) Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain.
10) The gift that lives on.
What you have seen ?
1 Have a heart, save a life.
2 The gift of life pass it on.
3 Organ donation is a gift for life.
( 3 ) Synapse is a gap or junction between the two neurons.
This is important for the transfer of neural signals. The synapse consists of chemical receptors called as neurotransmitters which binds to the postsynaptic cells and presynaptic cells and aids in production of action potential will aids in transfer of information.
( 4 ) The definition of geotropism is the growth of a plant or immovable animal in response to the force of gravity. An example of geotropism is the roots of a plant growing down into the ground.
( 5 ) Excretion is the removal of waste mainly urea with the help of urine by kidneys. Proteins are digested to form amino acids and the final by-product of the degradation of ammonia is urea. ... This causes changes in the composition of the glomerular filtrate resulting finally in the formation of urine.
( 6 ) The human brain is the main coordinating center of the body, which enables an organism to think and make decisions.
Functions of different parts of the brain are:
Medulla oblongata: It controls involuntary actions and regulates reflex responses. It also controls blood pressure, salivation, and vomiting.
Cerebellum: It controls and coordinates different muscular actions. It is responsible for voluntary actions and maintains the equilibrium of the body during walking, drinking, catching, etc.
Forebrain: It has the following parts:
1. Cerebrum: Which performs thinking, reasoning, speech, intelligence and usage of information.
2. Olfactory: Where lobes are responsible for detecting the smell from different receptors.
3. Diencephalon: Which controls body temperature, the urge of eating, drinking, etc.
( 7 ) Alkaloids are useful as diet ingredients, supplements, and pharmaceuticals, in medicine and in other applications in human life. Alkaloids are also important compounds in organic synthesis for searching new semisynthetic and synthetic compounds with possibly better biological activity than parent compounds.
( i ) Malpighian tubule, in insects, any of the excretory organs that lie in the abdominal body cavity and empty into the junction between midgut and hindgut. In species having few malpighian tubules, they are long and coiled; in species with numerous (up to 150) tubules, they are short.