Physics, asked by kumarrakeshsaini777, 1 year ago

laser of light measure which units?

AdityaRocks1: candela


Answered by nausheen0
Commonly used to characterize laser output, measured in joules (J). The energy density expresses the total amount of energy delivered per unit area, in Joulesper square centimeter (J/cm2). Unit of frequency, i. e. “pulses per second”, listed in Hz.
hope that helps you......
plz mark as brainlist answer........

nausheen0: why
nausheen0: n if u know the answer why r u asking the question....
kumarrakeshsaini777: because light measure in intensity
nausheen0: it was written in my book that's why I have written this answer......
kumarrakeshsaini777: which book written
nausheen0: why to tell u
nausheen0: r u my relative , my teacher, my father, my mother or someone else....
kumarrakeshsaini777: because concept od physics written in light measure unite
kumarrakeshsaini777: why to tell this question
nausheen0: wht r u sayin' I'm not gettin'
Answered by Anonymous


Most recent answer. In most of the high power laser produced plasma experiment, laser intensity is measured in the unit of W/cm 2. This is the standard unit used in scientific literature also.

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