English, asked by johnkramer102, 5 months ago

Last summer Vacation you went to your Friend's village. His Grandmother looked after you as if you were her Grandchild. Describe her in 100-120 Words.


Answered by harrypotterofficiala

hi, i will only tell some points ok?

1) start of by when your friend asked u to go on vacation.


your friends brother: liam

your friends grandmother

your friend: simon

you: any name.

your friends parents names: any name

add that u and your friend was staying at his grandmothers place as it was really close to shore(sea)

his grandmother was very kid friendly, she always allowed us to do anthing..

she was really nice, we would help her with dishes and a lot of house chores.

she would always order pizza and a lot of snack she was really kind and never spoke harshly...

write this if u want to, u can also add other stuff,

when it was our last day she was really sad, she wanted us to stay,she talked to simons father and they allowed us to stay another week..it was really fun.we had a lot of fun.

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