latest 5 technology that can be implemented in the organisation to improve its overall processes
Working in or with an IT team can bring with it many challenges, most of which are rooted in the ever-changing nature of technology. It can be especially stressful when it seems like every quarter a new technology is being introduced into your routine. This article is designed to give a little insight into the motivations behind the implementation of new technology and the associated advantages. In addition, you should learn a little more about the possible challenges of these implementations and how to deal with them.
Why Do Organizations Implement New Technology?
Little boys in suits playing with new technologyBefore you can jump headlong into the world of new tech, you need to be able to understand the motivations behind it. Ultimately, new technology should be designed to positively disrupt its current field. A very recent and prevalent example is the disruption of the transportation industry by Lyft and Uber. By introducing a fully digital, fully mobile process of requesting rides, these companies have completely reinvented the way we use transportation. A handful of years ago, users were reluctant to jump on this bandwagon. Now, the streamlined process of ride sharing is used by millions.
Again, when companies implement new tech, the main goal is innovation. How that innovation manifests depends on the organizations overall goals. Some new tech may present innovation in the way of price, while other innovations may assist in user friendliness or a boost in productivity. It’s always best to look into why your company is aiming to implement a new technology to better understand how it will ultimately help to serve you and your team.
Some Important Things to Remember Before Implementing New Technology
Representation of a Happy CustomerThe most important thing to learn from the ride sharing trend is that technology, no matter how new, will only succeed if it truly makes the lives of its users easier. A slightly more extreme, and hopefully incredibly unique, example of the implementation of new tech is the Galaxy Note 7. In an attempt to make a more efficient battery, Samsung somehow made a very literal ticking time bomb. The phones became explosive, and because of this, the tech will be completely scrapped. Of course, this is a very extreme example, but the lesson still stands. If the new technology that’s being introduced doesn’t make life more convenient, then it will certainly not succeed.
On the other side of the spectrum is the implementation of the new Archivum technology at USF. This program was implemented by the University to better serve its students, patients, and faculty. It works to streamline processes that for years were done through a more paper intensive process. Now, those procedures are completely digital. This is a great example of how technological innovations can improve business operations and life. So while it can sometimes be frustrating to break routine or to learn a new process, if that new process will make your job or schooling easier in the end, isn’t it worth a try?
The most important things to keep in mind when it comes to implementing new technologies:
Will it improve the lives of users?
Will it positively disrupt the field?
Can it be easily and effectively used by customer teams?
The Challenges of Implementing New Technology and How to Address Them
It would be incredibly unrealistic to think that implementing new tech, even if it positively innovates, comes without any disadvantages. The trick is making sure that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Some of the disadvantages might include an initial decrease in productivity or push back from users. It’s vital to understand the possible frustrations of those who will be impacted by the implementation. Without this empathy, there will be no way to effectively address those frustrations. Whether you are trying to convince your employer to implement new tech, or you are the employer who is championing the implementation, it will be beneficial to talk with people who will be affected by the change. It’s also necessary to understand that no one technology can solve every problem.
Here are some tips on how to address disadvantages and how to approach push back:
Be as transparent as possible when it comes to researching new technologies. Hiding the possible implementation will only serve to frustrate users further.
1. Google
2. Chrome
3. UC Browser