laughter is the best medicine expand the theme
This line is indeed true because laughter does work as a medicine to cure many problems in one's life. Today's world has become so busy that people probably have forgotten that a thing called Laughter exists, Everyone is becoming like machines, None cares about making others laugh but having fun in life is as important as anything else. If we see carefully then we will get to know that everyone is having their own problems doesn't matter whether it is professional or personal but everyone does having tensions in their lives so in other to get a rid of them, This medicine (laughing) is must. It is true that we can't be happy or we can't laugh for no reason but when we start seeing everything positively then we will realise that the thing which seemed to be the worst thing ever is now seeming to be something which is giving us positive vibes. Now, Many people say that 'Be positive, Everything will be fine' but deep down it is completely true that everything wouldn't be fine unless one will start finding happiness in small moments of his/her life. These small moments which people mostly ignore, are something which could change the big situations of our lives. Everything embibes a positivity and an ability to make someone laugh and happy, what matters is the way of finding that happiness.
So, Here it ends that Being happy is the first step towards making others happy and If you are able to make someone happy then you'll get to know that you don't need anyone to make you feel happy, as you already have that ability in you, So it all starts from you and only ends at you.
Laughter is the Best medicine:
One of the best medicine in life and to cure major diseases is by laughing. Laughter therapy is the best medicine to be happy and spreading shapes to people in our surroundings. Just smile and be happy this makes feel us better.
Even many people all over the world spread happiness by making jokes and spread positive vibes wend make people happy. This pushes the negative thoughts/vibes out of our body and make us a happy and a healthy person.
Start to laugh from today, day to day life. It is aantidote/medicine for sadness, worriness, makes our stress go away. Even great people say that the best time I laughed is that “I my school days” this shows child's speed in school by laughing and spread happiness and spread positive vibes. Joking is also good in school life.
There is a fact that maximum laugh for 30 minutes per day, your physical stress and stress hormones will be decreased. There are few things which shows that laughter therapy is really a best medicine.
It helps in decreasing stress, keeps the blood pressure normally also this realeass endorphins and overall it helps in improving a good health.