Math, asked by rajanbhaiak48, 1 month ago

Chapter 4
of kinetic friction?
What is angle of friction?
1 man
Define angle of repose. Establish relationship between angle of friction and angle of
weighing m kg stands on a weighing machine inside a lift. What will be the
machine if the lift ascends with acceleration a?
crate, heavier than you are, rests on a rough floor. The coefficient of static frict
he crate and the floor is the same as that between the soles of your shoes and te
ou push the crate across the floor?
low could a person who is at rest on completely frictionless ice covering a pond
Could she do this by walking, rolling, swinging her arms, or kicking her feet?
person be placed in such a location in the first place?
State and explain Newton's third law of motion. Give five examples of this law
State laws of solid friction. How can you verify them experimentally?
Define angle of repose. Establish relationship between angle of friction and a
State Newton's laws of motion. Show that the first law gives the qualitat
orce and the second law gives the quantitative (the measure) definition of fo
State Newton's second law of motion and prove that impulse is equ
State the laws of limiting friction. Show that when a body just begins
nclined plane, the coefficient of friction between the two surfaces is equa
nclination of the plane.
State the principle of conservation of linear momentum and show h
ewton's laws of motion.
Define angle of friction and derive a relation between angle of frictio
1 block of mass m is held on a rough inclined surface of inclination . Show in a diag
various forces acting on the block.
Can the coefficient of static friction have a value greater than 1? What about the coeff
What is inertia? Why do we call the Newton's first law as the law of inertia? Explain.
Define the term momentum and impulse.
State the principle of conservation of linear momentum.
Define momentum. Give its unit and dimensions.​


Answered by vibhamandal05

Step-by-step explanation:

Define momentum

It is a vector quantity, possessing a magnitude and a direction. If m is an object's mass and v is its velocity (also a vector quantity), then the object's momentum is: In SI units, momentum is measured in kilogram meters per second (kg⋅m/s).

What is inertia? Why do we call the Newton's first law as the law of inertia? Explain.

Law of inertia, also called Newton's first law, postulate in physics that, if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force.

Define the term momentum and impulse?

Ans: Momentum: When a body of mass m moves with a velocity v then its momentum is p = mv. ... p=mv Impulse: The product of force and time that produces finite change in momentum of the body is called impulse.

What is angle of friction?

physics the angle of a plane to the horizontal when a body placed on the plane will just start to slide. The tangent of the angle of friction is the coefficient of static friction.

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