English, asked by ishakhote33, 8 months ago

Lawyer speech in 100 words


Answered by kirsansingh


Some people think that lawyers are simply out for money, but I believe that most lawyers have a desire to help others, especially those who are unable to defend themselves. In general, most lawyers don’t make a lot of money compared to the long hours they work, the personal sacrifices they have to make, and the level of stress they must endure. There are even lawyers who work pro bono because they are dedicated to making sure justice is served.

There are so many problems in society these days, and we need good lawyers. I know that becoming a successful lawyer will take a lot preparation and hard work. I am willing to do what it takes to make my dream of becoming a lawyer a reality. Whenever I watch legal shows on television I am fascinated with the activities that occur in the courtroom. I know that the lawyers spend endless days and nights preparing to defend their clients. They must constantly study and review the law and past legal cases. Becoming a lawyer is complicated.

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“As our society grows in complexity, the lawyer’s role grows as well. No longer is it possible for one single lawyer to handle every aspect of every client’s legal needs,” (What Is A Lawyer, n.d.). Therefore, it is necessary for lawyers to specialize in certain areas of law. Lawyers have a lot of options when it comes to work environments. Some lawyers choose to work with big companies, while others choose to work for nonprofit agencies. There are so many alternatives for lawyers.

When I become a lawyer, I would like to fight for the rights of average people. It seems like the justice system favors the wealthy, my dream is to seek justice for all. I’d like to help those people who always seem to get lost in the system. I want to know that I have made a positive difference in the lives of others.

Society holds some negative stereotypes about lawyers, such as lawyers being greedy for money. I hope that when I become a lawyer that I will be able to change that stereotype. I want my clients to see me as a professional who is dedicated to finding justice. Being a lawyer is not, and should not be, simply about earning a high salary. Being a lawyer means understanding that there is a responsibility to serve the public.

My dream is to become a lawyer, and one day I will make that dream come true. In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” (Quotations on Dreaming, n.d.).


Hope it's help

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