English, asked by aquariuslife319, 5 hours ago

Learning Task 3

Directions: Choose a story that you want to write, then refer to the outline below to help you remember the details or

elements you need to include in writing your story.


a. Setting is composed of the following

1. Time

2. Place/ location

3. Weather

4. Mood or atmosphere

5. Deals with the 3 sentences




b. Problem and solution (Developing the plot line)

1. What is going to be the main problem in your story?

2. What event do you want to put to build more suspense?

3. What is the solution to the problem?

4. What is going to be the climax of the story?

5. What is the ending of the story?




b. Characterization: developing your character in the story




The solution to the character's problem is easy to understand and is

logical. There are no loose ends. /2

Setting Many vivid, descriptive words are used to tell when and where the

story took place. /2

Plot Several action verbs (active voice) are used to describe what is

happening in the story. The story seems exciting! /2

Problem/Conflict It is very easy for the reader to understand the problem the main


characters face and why it is a problem. /2

Resolution The main characters are named and clearly described in text as well as pictures​

Nonsense answers will be reported.


Answered by matetpurcia06



1. Aral tips sa bahay

2. maging laging handa

3. wala ng aking germs protection

tulad ng safeguard protection

4.Oo, para maging ligtas tayo sa nakakahawang sakit.


tama ba?????

Answered by BasRashmi


The curated story is as follows.


  • Setting:

There was once (time) a kingdom in a land (place/location) far away. It was a kingdom that was amiable with its five neighbors, rarely saw uprisings, and was free of all calamities. The peace enabled people to bring the best out of themselves, and everyone was kind to everyone (mood). But one particular summer night, all was to be changed.

  • Problem:

Although the kingdom's neighbors were on friendly terms with the kingdom, they secretly wanted to take possession of such a bountiful land. All their jealousies combined to take the form of a spectre that manifested itself into a little boy that emerged out of the darkness one summer night.

The next day, some people realized the boy had no family. He refused to talk to anyone and did not consume anything the entire day. The people got worried so they produced them to the authorities who in turn produced him to the king. When the boy refused to answer any of the questions by the king, the king, thinking the boy was too scared to respond, lovingly caressed the boy's hair to assure him of his safety.

  • Climax:

Unfortunately, as soon as he did that, the boy's being started getting absorbed into the king's body. Nobody could stop the process, and in the end, the king fell face-down, presumably dead. When his guards turned him over, they were shocked to see that his face was gone, so were his ears, and a dark scaly substance covered his entire body.

The royal physician was brought in who determined that the king was alive as he still had a heartbeat, but was unconscious. He stated that the king's condition was beyond his understanding, and thus suggested reaching out to spiritualism or sorcery to help his case. People were invited from far and beyond to confirm the king's condition.

  • Solution:

After many months, a traveling alchemist came to the royal court after hearing about the strange case of the king. He was permitted to see the king. After some inspection, the alchemist reached the conclusion that the king had lost the five senses of his body due to a curse, and there was only one way to cure it. The people who were the source of the curse would have to contribute a goblet of blood for the alchemist to create the cure for the king. When everybody got wind of the situation, everyone started to be on the lookout as to who cursed their beloved king.

The news also reached the neighboring kingdom who were also curious to know who cursed the king. All the five kings started agonizing over the situation. They realized what a great mistake they committed inherently. But they realized their follies and each went secretly to contribute their share of blood so that the king's senses would return. One night the king's skin returned to normal, the next night his ears propped back, then his eyes, nose, then mouth.

  • Ending:

The king was finally back to his senses. He knew whose blood had helped him, so he went to each to thank them. He let them know that it was not their fault for having ill thoughts, but the fact that when they realized their mistakes, they stepped in to correct them immediately. That was the sign of a true leader.

This is a story with a moral value. It is not a mistake to commit a mistake as mistakes can happen with anyone. However, it is a mistake if we do not own up to our mistakes and try to correct them.


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