Learning Task 3: Using the knowledge you have gained about online search engines, copy and complete the matrix below in your notebook. Some answers have been provided to serve as your guide / clues. Type Description Examples designed more specifically to cater the user's specific
The Answer is in the picture
Because brainly won't let me upload it because it says that it is inappropriate.
Search Engine:
Search Engine is a program which provides various types of information searched by the user around on the World Wide Web.
Types of search engines
1. Specific search engines
Description: Specific Search Engines
Designed specifically to provide the user's specific needs.
Example: Academic Search, JSTOR and Intute.
2. General search engine
The search engines which have the ability of searching millions upon millions of sites for specific information.
Example: Google Search, Yahoo!
3. Metasearch Engines
The search engine which helps to find the best deals on a particular product or flight booking for your trip etc.
Example: Blingo, Dogpile and Metacrawler.