English, asked by hollyjessellara, 1 month ago

Learning Task 4: Examine the given editorial cartoon below and its
expressed viewpoints. In your notebook, write a 5-sentence paragraph
stating your opinions and feelings.


Answered by Sinthushaa


It also serves as a call to action, imploring us to think about how the government may better manage its funds so that everyone benefits.


The editorial cartoon shows a family budget with the words "housing" and "bills" looming in the background. A happy woman is shown in the foreground holding a bag with the words "tax cuts" written on it. This cartoon is intended to highlight the unequal wealth distribution in our society, where the wealthiest benefit from tax breaks while the middle and lower classes struggle to cover essential expenses. I believe the cartoon effectively conveys the sharp contrast between those who can benefit from the tax cuts and those who are unable to do so. It serves as a crucial reminder, in my opinion, of the necessity of more economic equality in our society so that everyone may benefit from a robust economy.

To learn more about an editorial cartoon, visit:


To learn more about tax cuts, visit:



Answered by 27swatikumari

Answer: The meaning of the editorial cartoon is:

  1. for money/budget, everyone worked incredibly hard.
  2. Future savings are being made by parents and other grownups.
  3. Spending our money should be done with caution.
  4. The funds are used for daily expenses and other things.
  5. For our survival, we depend on money.


Low-Budget Families: Having a home budget is not just a nice idea when you have a limited budget—it is necessary.

Contrarily, it is rather liberating and easy to have a manageable family budget. Instead of letting money run your life, it gives you the power to manage your finances. Living expenses are costs associated with maintaining a bare-bones standard of living and good health.

Housing, food, clothing, healthcare, and transportation are the different categories that they fall under. You can better budget for each of these categories if you are aware of what each one entails.

Hence, for money/budget, everyone worked incredibly hard. Future savings are being made by parents and other grownups. Spending our money should be done with caution. The funds are used for daily expenses and other things. For our survival, we depend on money.

To know more about editorial cartoons from the given link




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