English, asked by vidhi10, 1 year ago

learning to listen and learning

kandavaishnavi: can i know the question clearly
vidhi10: learning to listen and learning to think
BrainlyYoda: Write an essay on this topic.
kandavaishnavi: oh really
BrainlyYoda: yes
kandavaishnavi: kkkkkkkkkkk


Answered by XxMaverickxX

Hey hello friend !!! Here i have presented before a beautiful and brief essay on the topic which u have given .


Never stop learning , because life never stops teaching this is the most famous quote we all have heard about  . But you know what friends we often perceive things in a wrong way  , we all feel that learning involves only reading and studying good books  and getting good marks in exam and excelling well in academics but we all forget that life is not just learning academics and getting good marks , there are many more which go hand in hand with learning and help us in becoming a good , and well developed personality .  And all those include learning to listen , learning to think , learning to act and do what is accepted , learning to speak , learn to maintain a good and healthy relationship ,etc.

But i would like vent my views on learning to listen and learning to think .................................

Today one of most important reason of why there is partiality , separation , fights and riots is we don’t have the quality and patience to listen carefully what the person in front of us is saying . We don’t even allow them to vent their views and thus apprehend it with wrong conclusions .If we had the quality of listening then all this wouldn’t have happened . Thus in order to develop this quality we need to get the knack of listening which can be achieved by learning it . So if one develops this quality he or she would never downgraded in front of anyone and thus his or her’s pre-eminence would get more boost and thus would liked by each and everyone which would ultimately result in in giving a wave to his or her  personality  .


Learning  to listen is not like cake walk which can be achieved by just one day of sweat . But infact it is a long and gradual process and once someone gain this quality it can never be lost , Every person who is speaking has some expectations from the listener and those are that :- the listener should keep one’s eye peeled to him and ears should be alert to what he is speaking . In this is what the qualities of a good listener are . And many of us feel that listening to things is too booring than seeing it but friends even listening to things is not too bad some of the things cannot be seen but can be heard and at such times a person who is good at listening can overcome all the challenges he or she face during the process . AND HENCE THERE IS A COLOSSAL NEED OF LEARNING TO LISTEN .


Talking about learning to think :- Today we people don’t have the habit of checking things . If someone says something we consider him or her as honest peoples and thus end up in believe them without even a little bit of thinking on the same . We perceive thing as they are but we never question why they are like that ?. We never ask ourselves why is it like that ? We never think of what is the reason behind it . The reason for this laziness we all have become so much lazy that we don’t even have time to think on things although if they are suspicious , cagey and mistrustful .


In order to overcome this one needs to learn the quality of thinking . One should think for many number number of times before passing a verdict to a cause . For this we need to change ourselves and start thinking about things which we feel as false or fake . And it’s not a one day mission in fact in order to get quality one need to slog many number of days and weeks and years and then only he or she will be victorious and triumphant in front of everyone

The great example for this is Sir Issac Newton who formulated the laws of motion and this was possible only because he had learned to think . Unlike other he didn’t perceive things as they are infact worked on it for day and night and burned the midnight lamp and finally he now world renowned although he isn’t still but his name will be immortal forever


Friend’s don’t we think that listening and learning are infact very vital and crucial in our development of our personality ?? So let’s all work on it and achieve it and let us triumphant one day with whatever we have done achieved these days !!!!!


Hope this helped u :-)







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