Physics, asked by rani662000pasbbb, 1 year ago

leather ball and feather ball.if we leave down both in same height and speed which goes down first.derive it in physics formula and also say which means theory also formula also derive it .class 11 physics


Answered by vIsHal005
It's too easy both will hot scene acceleration so they will reach the ground at the same time. if the air resistance is neglected.
if the air resistance not left neglected then obviously the leather ball will came first

rani662000pasbbb: not satisified
Answered by flower161
hi mate ,,,,,


A featherball and leather ball dropped together. Air resistance causes the featherball to fallmore slowly. If a featherball and leather ball were dropped together in a vacuum-that is, an area from which all air has been removed-they would fall at the same rate, and hit the ground at the same time.

if you do not understand this then,,,,...

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