English, asked by gurusingh2461, 8 months ago

leatter to the editor about pollution​


Answered by rajeevgupta39


English Shakespeare

15-A, Green Avenue

Phase 5


September 21, 2018

The Editor

The Times of India  


Subject: Pollution and its impact on environment.


I am writing this letter to you to express my deep concern over the problem of pollution in our city, which is affecting the environment drastically. As you already know ours is an industrial city. The dying mills release at least 300 million liters of waste water into the Sutlej River on daily basis. This waste water contains harmful chemicals like arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and chrome. These chemicals have already killed the aquatic life.  

Moreover the smoke arising from the factory chimneys has polluted the air badly. I want to draw the attention of the people as well as the concerned authorities to the seriousness of the problem. The mills and factory owners are violating the environmental laws by not treating the waste water and the smoke before releasing it into the environment. The corrupt environment officers are letting it happen just because of the hush-money they receive from the culprit owners.  

But we the residents are suffering. The environment authorities responsible for preserving the environment must ensure the mills and factories owners follow the environmental protection rules and regulations by properly treating effluents and the toxic smoke in the pollution treatment plants before releasing them into the environment.  

Through the medium of your esteemed daily I appeal to the public to raise their voice against these unethical practices. I also appeal the environment ministry to look into the matter and take immediate action against the law breakers. I appeal to people to come forward to save our environment from the curse called pollution; these ministers and Government officials will not do anything promptly. By the time they take action, the situation will go out of hand. I am hopeful my views will find suitable place in the esteemed columns of your reputed daily.

Thanking you.

Yours truly,


Answered by sofiakhan03



Lawrence Road




The Editor

The Hindu

Lodhi Road, Chennai

Subject: The advantages and disadvantages of ban on crackers

Respected Sir/Mam

Greetings of the day!

I would like to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the ban of crackers through your esteemed newspaper. At one end, it is beneficial to some for some reasons but at the same time burning crackers create noise pollution, air pollution, and spread diseases.

People who sell crackers earn their livelihood by selling and if the government puts a ban on this will affect their livelihood. They will lose their job and thus won’t be able to feed their families. Especially at the time of marriage seasons, or other festivals, the sale of crackers reach its heights and thus the demand for the same goes up and the people selling it earn bonuses and thus save the money for the betterment of the future.

On the other hand, kids may get injured by burning crackers; they may also get various respiratory diseases. People working in factories are unable to lead a normal life as they are exposed to crackers daily which may harm them directly or indirectly. Thus, it is advisable to make safe use of the same and produce green crackers.

I hope you understand my concern and will publish this article so that it may spread awareness.

Thanking you

Yours truly



‘Increasing Population in the Cities’

The population of the city is increasing exponentially. It is growing at an alarming rate. The facilities in the cities are far better than what is being provided in rural areas. This is one of the reasons why people migrate from rural place to cities. People are unemployed in a rural place and thus in the hope of getting a better job, they move to cities.

Education facilities are better in cities and thus provide a better future. The way of living in the city is more developed and advanced in the city than in rural areas. But at the same time, this all positivity had created a negative impact in the city.

The city is getting crowded day by day which thereby increases the number of vehicle running which leads to noise and air pollution. Thus, the number of slums in the city gets affected and thus affecting water and power supply and also increases the traffic jam of the city.

Thus, this is of major concern and need immediate action to safeguard the life of many.

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